Join us for an evening of kindness, connection, joy, poetry, friendship and fun. Poets James Crews and Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer will read from James’ new anthology, The Path to Kindness: Poems of Connection and Joy. They will share, too, other poems of their own—from collections and new works—poems to nourish the spirit and celebrate what it is to be alive, especially in difficult times. No previous knowledge of or fondness for poetry necessary. Bring your skepticism, your devotion, and a friend.
James Crews is editor of the bestselling anthology, How to Love the World, featured on NPR’s Morning Edition, as well as in The Boston Globe, and The Washington Post. He is the author of four prize-winning collections of poetry: The Book of What Stays, Telling My Father, Bluebird, and Every Waking Moment, and his poems have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Ploughshares, and The Sun. Crews teaches in the Poetry of Resilience seminars, and lives with his husband in Shaftsbury, Vermont. To sign up for weekly poems and prompts, visit: www.jamescrews.net.
Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer co-hosts Emerging Form podcast on creative process, Secret Agents of Change (a surreptitious kindness cabal) and Soul Writers Circle. Her poetry has appeared on A Prairie Home Companion, PBS News Hour, O Magazine, Rattle, American Life in Poetry, Carnegie Hall stage, and her daily poetry blog, A Hundred Falling Veils. Her most recent collection, Hush, won the Halcyon Prize. Naked for Tea was a finalist for the Able Muse Book Award. One-word mantra: Adjust. For prompts, videos and free daily poems, visit www.rosemerry.com
Monday, May 16
Doors at 6:30, Presentation at 7:00 pm
$10 entry