It’s been a while since I read at the Sherbino, so I’m excited to share poems from my books, some mushroom poems, and recent work featuring several alter echoes — McRedeye and Capt. Barefoot. With maybe a nod to Earth First!, since Dave Foreman just passed and I was his poetry editor at the EFJournal for ten years back in the ’80s.
Bio: Art Goodtimes, poet, basketweaver, and former Green Party elected official in Colorado, served as San Miguel County Commissioner (1996–2016) and Western Slope Poet Laureate (2011–2013). Poetry editor for Earth First! Journal (1981-91), he is currently poetry editor for fungimag.com and sagegreenjournal.org. He also directs state and national poetry contests at tellurideinstitute.org/talking-gourds. His poetry and op-ed columns appear at goodtimespoet.blogspot.com
Tuesday, March 14
Doros at 6:30, Presentation at 7 followed by open mic readings
$10 entry